

This term in it’s simplest form is “data about data”, and while spiders ignore this for the majority of sheet listing all the meta tags listed for a web site or pagetime, the tags should still be used. More often than not, these tags content appear in the SERP’s, this can ultimatley affect upon whether a user visits your page or not. True optimisation is not just about getting high in the rankings, but targeting specific traffic and generating positive actions for the website.

Metadata is important to your site and pages, mainly due to the fact it aids clients in finding your website. are different components to metadata, but mainly the main noted parts are title, description, and keywords.


Quite literally the most important part of all metadata, this tells engines and clients what your site is all about. It is the flag for your site.


This part of the metadata is really just a summary of your site or page. You should place words here to let potential clients know what the site is all about. You should be quite descriptive with the text here.


Keywords are similar to meta descriptions, but really are for the search engines usage.